1st (annual?) Maker Space Egg Drop

On 18th June, a group numbering about 15 people assembled at Maker Space in Newcastle. We were then presented with a challenge by Ed Bisdee.

“can you make out of paper, cardboard and tape an enclosure that could protect an egg from a two story drop”


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The Late Shows – 17th May

Maker Space is very pleased to once again be part of the Late Shows, an annual event in which more than 50 venues across Newcastle and Gateshead including artist studios, museums, galleries, and other cultural attractions staying open into the evening to offer a variety of free events to visitors.

Last year we got an incredible number of visitors for such a tiny space and this year we hope to welcome even more of you to our new larger city centre premises

On Friday 16 May, The Late Shows takes place in Newcastle’s Ouseburn Valley and on Saturday 17 May, at venues across Newcastle and Gateshead including Maker Space.

More details can be found here





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