Saturday Club with Newcastle Toy and Leisure Library

Photo courtesy of Newcastle Toy and Leisure Library

On the 11th January, Maker Space took part in ‘Saturday Club’.  This is a club run by Newcastle Toy & Leisure Library (NTLL), who provide services and support for children with disabilities and their family.

NTLL contacted Maker Space and asked if we would run a couple of activities for their Saturday Club. Of course, the answer was yes,  so on Saturday morning, Brian, Jonathan and Tommy dragged themselves out of bed and turned up at Hadrian School with a few boxes of KNEX and a line following robot.

KNEX for those who don’t already know, is a construction toy with parts including rods, connectors, cogs and wheels of varying sizes. It can be used to make almost anything you can imagine, but on the day, the kids decided to build towers, helped by Jonathan and Tommy. Quite spontaneously, two teams developed, competing with each other to build the tallest tower. It was a pleasure to see the children, first getting to grips with connecting KNEX components together, to deciding how best to build a tower, to working together actually building the towers. Other kids built their own models which ranged from small cars, to larger cranes, to space stations!

Whilst KNEX building was in full flow, Brian was entertaining other children with his line following robot. He used black electrical tape and pens to mark out a route for the robot to follow. The kids found it fascinating how the little robot could find its way along the lines and enjoyed laying down their own tracks too. Brian enjoyed explaining the technology behind the robot.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable event for all those involved. Maker Space would be delighted to help Newcastle Toy & Leisure Library again. We’re sure we can come up with many more activities for the children do.

If you want to learn more about Newcastle Toy and Leisure Library, their website is

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PiLarm Workshop at Gateshead Library

Carnegie_PiLarmPhoto courtesy of Gateshead Libraries

On Saturday 21st January, Maker Space gave a workshop at Gateshead Library which was funded by The Carnegie Trust.  The aim of the workshop was to teach both children and teachers how to get started with the Raspberry Pi, the GPIO and talking to it using simple Python Code.

During the workshop, the participants all made a burglar alarm (or “PiLarm” as we like to call it) using a home-made pressure switch, a Raspberry Pi and a buzzer.

To start with people tried out a few very simple Python programs to learn a bit about printing messages and writing simple loops.

After that, Jon showed everyone how to make a simple pressure switch made from cardboard, tin foil and sticky tape.  These worked brilliantly and were fun to make.

The next step was to connect the pressure switch to the Raspberry Pi and take reading from it in Python. Then connecting up a buzzer meant the Pi could sound the alarm when an intruder stood on the pressure switch.

If you fancy having a go at the workshop yourself then please let us know.  We might be looking to repeat it later in the year.

 More information about Gateshead Libraries can be found on their website

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