Maker Space in NARC magazine

Maker Space is featured in the September edition of NARC Magazine!

The article is reproduced Here by Kind Permisiion of NARC





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Maker Space @ Eday


On Saturday  7th Sept Maker Space attended  “Eday” at  Gateshead Central Library, part of this year’s British Science festival .

Northumbria University put on Rasberry Pi workshops for pupils and teachers, our friends from Vector67 were demoing the Leap motion Controller and the “Oculus Rift” 3D gaming/VR headset and Maker Space had a number of stands:

Will, Colin and  Jay had five 3D printers on display, including Jay’s giant volume printer. There were loads of 3D printed objects on show and Will’s printer was projected live onto a large screen from a “print bed level” micro camera,  as it printed out. Previoulsy we had used the 3D printers to make up loads of Maker Space keyrings and these became prizes in the Crane Grab game Chris D was running.

Iain and Ed were looking after the Arduino stand and had Jon’s mains switcher, Iain’s railway signals and Ed’s “Laser Caper” game to demo.

Gateshead Library lent us a “Makey Makey” board that Glen interfaced with some MIDI kit to produce a “Fruit ‘n’ Veg Synthesiser” which proved very popular with the kids,  while Jonathon helped the younger visitors make flashing LED robot greetings cards with conductive paint.

Chris B  and Tony manned the raspberry Pi stand which included Tony’s retro Pi Arcade machine and answered questions about R-Pi programming.

Gateshead Library estimated at least 250 people came along to see what it was about and around 50-60 teachers, students and parents attended the Raspberry Pi workshops, so it was a great success.
A very big thank you to all those who helped and attended
We’d love to see your pictures of the day if you have any to share !


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