Back to ‘Normal’

Obviously i use the word ‘Normal’ loosely…

After our initial clean, fix and build frenzy since taking over the new space on the 1st June, we plan to get back to normal member’s Maker evenings as from next week.

There’s still jobs to do, but we now have rooms set up where people can work plus kitchen and toilet facilities.

Initially we will be aiming to open the same hours as our old space and then adding more days as we sort out keyholders and regular availaibitly of people to open up.

For now it’s:

Maker Monday 6:30pm -10:30pm
Tinker Tuesday 5:30pm – 9:30pm
Welcome Wednesday 6pm-8pm for visitors, but members can usually arrive earlier and stay longer*

*In the past Wednesdays have been a write-off for actually working on projects due to lack of space. But in the new space there is more than enough room to do some project work so it can now be considered a proper members working day too!

In addition, at least one of our members is planning to use the space most weekday afternoons so it should be open then. But this isn’t a given and not yet part of our official opening hours. you should always check ahead on our mailing list if you are planning to pop in during the day.



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